
Where in Mississauga can I obtain dental implant services?

Dental Implant Services in Mississauga ON area

Missing teeth can negatively impact the smile, including its appearance, health, and function. A tooth that has been extracted or lost can cause existing teeth to shift, resulting in the loss of natural bone, and can significantly impact one’s appearance, therefore causing them to feel much more self-conscious about how they appear in social situations. Fortunately, replacement solutions are plentiful, and the team at Huron Dental Centre in Mississauga, Ontario, can help with dental implant services.

Am I a good candidate for dental implants?

Dental Implants Near Me Mississauga ON Area

Dental implants are a popular way for patients to restore their smile after tooth loss or extraction. Mississauga, Ontario, area patients looking for dental implants “near me” may want to talk to the team at Huron Dental Centre. Our professionals provide surgery to place implants and replace missing teeth while ensuring a cosmetic appearance. Request a visit to find out more about dental implants! Dr. Jameela Jifri and her team at Huron Dental Centre in Mississauga, Ontario, will work with you to determine whether you are a good candidate for dental implants based on your needs and goals. To learn … Continue reading

After dental implants treatment: Mississauga, ON dentist shares care tips

Dental implants restore natural appearance as well as healthy oral function.

Are you considering dental implants to replace missing teeth, or have you already had this treatment? Proper home care is essential to your continued enjoyment of restored appearance and oral function. Dr. Jameela Jifri shares this helpful information for patients in the Mississauga, ON area. Importance of implants Until the 1980s, people with missing teeth had three options: Do nothing, which eventually compromised overall oral health, and impaired speech, diet, and appearance. Denture – While a removable prosthetic restores appearance, it can lack stability, reducing oral function. Bridge – This restoration is affixed to adjacent dentition, replacing one or more … Continue reading